SES Advisors and IDEO Coaches
2003 Spring
The startup team is deeply grateful for the advice from the following.
- Louis Boorstin, Manager, Environmental Finance Group, International Finance Corporation
- Ashish Chadha, PhD Student, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Stanford University
- Robert Crow, Visiting Scholar, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
- Menko de Roos, Vice President, New Business Development, Lumileds Lighting
- Maria Flores Letelier, Principal, Market Expansion Partners
- Jane Fulton Suri, Director of Human Factors Design and Research, IDEO
- Hill Gates, Anthropologist, Stanford University
- Kevin Gauna, Scientist, Lighting Systems Research Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Charles Gay, Director, Greenstar Corporation, former Director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Shannon Graham, MBA Student, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
- Allen Hammond, Senior Scientist and Director of Strategic Analysis, World Resources Institute
- James Henry, Managing Director, Sag Harbor Group
- Mark Hodapp, Technical Support Engineer, Lumileds Lighting
- Dave Irvine-Halliday, President, Light Up The World
- Stephen Johnson, Scientist, Lighting Systems Research Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Thomas Kennedy, Vice President, Quality, Solectron
- Anjini Kochar, India Program Director, Center for Research on Economic Development and Policy Reform, Stanford University
- Kurt Kuhlmann, President, Advanced Technical Devices
- David Lorey, Program Director, US - Latin American Relations, Hewlett Foundation
- Evan Mills, Scientist, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Paul Polak, President, International Development Enterprises
- Srinivas Rao, Vice President, Technology, Solectron
- Ken Robertson, Executive Director, Light Up The World
- Steve Troy, Manager, The Sustainable Village
- Jehan Velji, Manager, The Bridgespan Group
IDEO Coaches
- Dominique Applova
- Juan Bruce
- Chris Flink
- Joe Hei
- Jonah Houston
- Adrian James
- Rob Lister
- David Mallard
- Pascal Soboll
- Ben Tarbell
- Bryan White
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